Monday, November 14, 2011

When my name was Keoko - Questions Chapter 17

1. What did the Japanese fear?
The Japansese feared an invasion of Korea would attack them, or even the islands of Japan.

2. What message was on the leaflets?
The leaflets were from the Americans. They sent a message telling Koreans not to worry since they're also coming to help them out. Sun-hee was glad since she realized the Americans knew the difference between the Koreans and the Japanese.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When my name was Keoko - Chapter 9-11 Questions

Chapter 9
1. Why do you think Uncle suddenly changed when Sun-hee introduce her friend Jung-shin at his printing shop?
    I think the reason why Uncle suddenly changed when Sun-hee introduce her friend Jung-shin at his printing shop is because he may either had a bad relationshipship with Jung-shin's father, or he may think Jung-shin's family are working for the Japanese since Uncle may seen him before, or have heard of his name.

Chapter 11
1. Who is Mrs Ahn and why do people in town think she is bad luck? Provide evidence to your answer.
    Mrs. Ahn was an old neighborhood of Sun-hee's family. People in town thinks she's a bad luck because she had a very unfortunate life. Her husband divorced her and so, she came back home with her parents. A couple years later her parents died together, too. Now she's left alone in this world. And since anyone who were related to her since the divorce would just leave her and go away, or, die. I think people were afraid that would also happen to them, so they'd stay away from Mrs. Ahn.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Best Book I've Read

   When I was in 5th grade, my teacher would read the whole class a book when it comes to the end of the day called Coraline, written by Neil Gaiman.
   The book was about a young girl who was called Coraline. Coraline was smart, and she loves to explore things. Her parents didn't really care about her, well, mostly never. 
   On a rainy day, she noticed a small door on the wall in the apartment, her mom told her it's just a door through  another room since the apartment is like an enormous house, divided into rooms. But, she was wrong, the door never lead to any rooms, but another world indeed. There, Coraline was SO welcomed by her Other Mother, Other Father, and everything was wonderful. But for some reasons, their eyes were buttons. Coraline mostly spent her whole day living in that another world with her Other parents. She stayed there at night too, since she'll be back in her room on the next day anyway. Coraline thought the Other World was amazing until she realized her Other Mother wants her to live with them forever, and also, replace her eyes with buttons. What should Coraline do?
   If you read this book, you'd realize it's quite interesting. You'd also find a lot of vocabulary words during the reading, and would help you a lot in English class.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cosmic - Frank Cottrell Boyce

I'm reading this really interesting book, Cosmic. The story was about a 12-year-old boy called Liam, who was usually tall compared to all those people around his age. Others would always see him as an adult who was 30. Since Liam was so tall, no one would hang out with him. Until his parents found out he has to learn more social skills, he went and studied at Little Stars, where he met Florida. They usually do things students aren't allowed to do in school, but since the guards thought he was her dad, they'd never disturb. But that's also a good thing. Liam pretended to be Florida's dad, and he even won a prize to be one of the greatest dad, and those winners, could take a chance to get their children to the Infinite Possibility, the greatest ride in the whole world, and they'd be going out into space. But the worst thing happened, adults couldn't go on the ride. One chosen responsible adult will be taking care of the rest of the children, and that absolutely wasn't Liam. But then, how is he supposed to trust that kind of dad who doesn't even know that the moon has no innate luminescence? Before you go, you make sure you've got all that you need: skills, equipments, money, health,... But what did he have? Nothing. He's just a big, grinning, empty-headed troll. Now Liam and the rest of the adults were entrusting their kids to him. What is Liam supposed to do now? Handing his 'daughter' to that guy?